Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Legal Clinic for Deferred Action at El Concilio

Questions about your eligibility for DACA?
Get answers.

January 26, 2013; 8:30 am to 12 pm
301 South "C" St in Oxnard

See the flyer for details!

Download in English

Download in Spanish

Attorneys and Law Clerks interested in volunteering, please contact Claudia:
Student volunteers, check the fair blog more information:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Judge Romero's Installation - March 1, 2013

Please attend the formal installation of Judge Romero 
Ventura County Superior Court - Dept. 22 at 4 pm.

State of the Courts by Presiding Judge Brian Back

We are pleased to invite you to join MABA on 
Friday, February 1, 2013 at Noon for a presentation on the 

“State of the Courts”
by Presiding Judge Brian Back and Michael D. Planet.

The meeting will be held at The Tower Club and all are welcome to attend at no cost (lunch is optional).