Monday, November 7, 2011

Urgent Action Request

The Ventura County Mexican American Bar Association would like to encourage local attorneys to submit Reports on the Effects of Judicial Branch Budget Reductions on Legal Practitioners, Their Clients, and Court Users to the Judicial Council Office of California.

The Council is seeking reports of the impact this budget crisis is having - in human terms; detailing specific incidents, including, but not limited to the following information: 

Your submission should include enough information to enable the Judicial Council to aggregate similar stories and present a picture of the cumulative effects on the public:
1. The trial court at which the incident you are describing occurred;
2. The type of case you or your client brought before the court;
3. The specific reduction in programs or services that impacted you or your client; and,
4. The immediate, subsequent or residual effect that the reduction had on you and your client, and what that means in terms of access to and the delivery of justice.
5. Your contact information should the Judicial Council need to follow up with you on your submission.

It is not enough to say the lines are long, or that there is a backlog in processing judgments, but if that is the effect you are reporting, please articulate how that impact is felt by your client, what the result of it is on your client's life or well-being.

Please submit reports to:
Donna Hershkowitz
Assistant Director

Office of Governmental Affairs
Judicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts
770 L Street, Suite 700
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916.323.4347

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